Monday, December 12, 2011

Manis Manis Grand Community Opening

Dear Guest,

Manis Manis Nature Resort & Spa is now officially open!!

We had our Grand Community Opening on 10th December 2011. The officiating ceremony began with a speech by our GEM Hospitality CEO Dr. Mahadi Harris Murshidi, followed with a speech from our Guest of Honour, YB Datuk Haji Karim Haji Bujang.

After the speeches and prayer for blessings, we had the ribbon cutting by our Guest of Honour, our CEO and a representative of the Ketua Kampung, which was then followed by the Merenjis and Gong Ceremony.

We had a short 'Greet the Manis Manis team' session before ending the ceremony with traditional dance performances and lunch.

Your resident detective and blog keeper,

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Counting Down 4! and Easier Facebook Page Access

Dear Guests,

Have you marked this coming Saturday onto your calendar?

Finally!! Only 4 more days till the Grand Community Opening of Manis Manis Nature Resort & Spa. Come and join us as we have tons of fun and interesting activities throughout the day from 10am to 10pm on Dec 10.

Bring your family to stay with us at Manis Manis on our day of opening and enjoy great discount up to 50% on accommodation with ONLY RM59 per room.We have spa, guided hike, obstacle courses, karaoke competition, games and many more for you and your family to enjoy.

The Manis Manis team awaits your presence!!

Onto another topic, now you can access Manis Manis Facebook Page easier and faster!!
Just type the url
Do LIKE our facebook page and keep yourself updated on Manis Manis latest news.

"have a sweet celebration with us..."

Your blog keeper and resident detective,

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Manis Manis Grand Community Opening. Counting down 9!

"have a sweet celebration with us..."

Manis Manis Nature Resort & Spa is having our Grand Community Opening on 10 Dec 2011, from 10a.m. to 10p.m.

Come join in the celebration with us!

We have many offers and activities throughout the day, including 50% OFF for ROOM, special rate for SPA, guided hike, complimentary refreshment, DJ & karaoke, and many more!!

"have a sweet stay with us..."

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

New look for Manis Manis Blog and counting down 10!

Dear Visitors,

Welcome!! How do you like the new look of our blog? 

We have also removed the "promotions/packages" page on the blog. However, worry not! You can still get information of our newest packages and promotions on Manis Manis Nature Resort & Spa website.

By the way, have you heard about it? Something grand and exciting is going to happen in Manis Manis!! Counting down 10! Interested to know more? Stay tune to our website, blog and FB!!

Your blog keeper & resident detective,

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Manis Manis Web Site

Dear Guests,

Our Manis Manis Nature Resort & Spa web site is officially up!!
Do visit us at

"Have a sweet stay with us..."

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Closing Event for Borneo Safari "21st International Off Road Challenge - Crocker Range 2011"

Dear Visitors,

Hello!! How was your weekend?

Manis Manis Nature Resort & Spa just had a very eventful Sunday night 3 days ago with the closing of Borneo Safari "21st International Off Road Challenge - Crocker Range 2011" here at our resort.

The event was filled with lots of people, prizes, performances, food and of course, 4x4 vehicles. 

After the official event ended, we even had a mini karaoke session.  :)

We had a great time and we look forward to see those cool 4x4 vehicles come and visit us at Manis Manis Nature Resort & Spa again.

Your blog keeper & resident detective,
p.s. Have you joined our Borneo Safari related contest yet?

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Closing event sneak peek

Hi dear visitors,

Do you know what day is today? 
If you have been following our blog, website and FB... 
Yeap, today is the closing event for Borneo Safari "21st International Off Road Challenge - Crocker Range 2011" at our very own Manis Manis Nature Resort & Spa. 

We are still waiting for the closing ceremony to start, but before that, here's a photo I snapped of the stage.

Pretty exciting isn't it?

Your blog keeper and residential detective,

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Stickers and flag off event

Aloha! Dear Visitors,

Borneo Safari "21st International Off Road Challenge - Crocker Range 2011", of which Manis Manis Nature Resort & Spa is the official resort, had their flag off event on 23rd October. Not only was our management team present at the event, we had our official resort stickers placed onto the participating vehicles as well.

Can you spot our Manis Manis sticker in this photo?

Talking about photo and sticker, have you joined the 'SPOT OUR STICKERS' contest on our FB page?

Your blog keeper and resident detective,

Monday, October 24, 2011


We have a new contest on our FB page!!

2. Spot and Count how many Manis Manis stickers (like the one above) there are in the album, then tell us on our FB page wall.

The winner with the right counts will get:




1. Count as many times as you want. Manis Manis stickers ONLY. Banners doesn't count.
2. You must count every Manis Manis stickers on each picture.
3. Winner will be announced in FB and at our website
4. Gifts cannot be exchanged with any other items.
5. Contest ends November 15th.

"Have a sweet stay with us..."

News Article 24102011

Friday, October 21, 2011


Dear Visitors,

Can you guess what this is?

Yes! Manis Manis Nature Resort & Spa is going to have our very own website soon.
I manage to steal take a screen shot of this from one of our office computers when everyone was out for lunch break. Am I good at being a detective or what? :)

My detective senses tell me that we'll be able to see this Manis Manis Resort webpage up on the web very very soon, so do watch out for it!

Your blog keeper & resident detective,

Meeting with KK Adventure Park

Helo! Dear visitors,

Two days ago, the management team of our Manis Manis Nature Resort & Spa had a top-secret meeting with KK Adventure Park. And being your resident detective, I have (of course) found a way to sneak into the meeting as well. Although I can't disclose what have been discussed, I can tell you that we are in the middle of planning a collaboration with KK Adventure Park in setting up adrenaline pumping activities and team building facilities within the compound of Manis Manis Nature Resort & Spa.

As proof of the meeting, here's a photo I snapped when sneaking into the meeting room without being noticed (hopefully).  

For more upcoming updates on our collaboration with KK Adventure Park, stay tune to our blog or FB page.

Your blog keeper & resident detective,

Thursday, October 13, 2011

21st International Off Road Challenge - Crocker Range 2011 2011

Manis Manis Nature Resort & Spa is the cosponsor and official resort for the Borneo Safari “21st International Off Road Challenge - Crocker Range 2011”. Our resort has also been selected as Special Stage #16 of the competition. The competition will officially start from the 23rd to the 30th of October.

"Have a sweet stay with us..."

Friday, September 30, 2011

Signing of the Spa Agreement

Manis Manis Nature Resort & Spa just signed and finalized our agreement with Rafflesia Spa who will be the operator for Manis Manis Spa.

Please look forward to the soft opening of Manis Manis Spa in the very near future.

"Have a sweet stay with us..."


Wourf!!! Dear Visitors,

Remember the puppies I mentioned in a post during late August? 
Have you been wondering how they are doing now?

Well, I'm happy to inform you that they have found home. 
All the three puppies have been adopted by some of our Manis Manis staffs.

Feeling lonely without the puppies? Well, we miss them a bit but there is no need for loneliness as we have many other animals around Manis Manis compound to be discovered!! Here's a photo of a new friend resting in our lobby entrance yesterday :) Do you know what it is?

Your blog keeper & resident detective,

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sneak peek of spa?

Good day! Dear visitors.

This morning, as I passed through the meeting space of Manis Manis sales office, guess what I found on the whiteboard.

Hmm... what is this? Some sort of house? 

I'm quite sure I saw a similar building somewhere before... 

Right!! It looks like our Manis Manis Resort's spa building!

Were the managing team discussing about our spa building? 

On the table there were a few pamphlets on colours and paints. Hmm... My detective senses tell me we might be able to see a newly furnished and painted spa building in the near future. 

Anyone else is as excited as me in looking forward to our brand new spa? :D

Your blog keeper & resident detective,

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Access Map

We have added Access Map on the 'Contact Us/Access' page.
Hopefully this map will help you find your way to Manis Manis Nature Resort & Spa better.

By the way, have you 'like' our Manis Manis Nature Resort & Spa Facebook page yet?

"Have a sweet stay with us..."

Monday, September 5, 2011

Profile #1 Si Hitam

Selamat datang dear visitors.

Today, I'm going to introduce to you one of our resident cat. The easiest one to spot.

Si Hitam, which literally means black.

However, I prefer to call it 'the shadow king of Manis Manis'.
Why? Because:
1) Shadow is often associated with the colour black
2) Just look at it. It walks around Manis Manis like it owns the place, and it even owns a private throne (one of its favourite sofa) in the lobby.

Another nick name I have for it is 'the black food detector'. Not that it can detect any food that is burnt. However, it can automatically sense when people are ordering from our menu and magically 'poof' itself into our Rosie Cafe and Restaurant before you even notice... more accurate than any food detection machine you could buy from NASA.

Si Hitam has been around for a couple of years. However, the rest of its background remains a mystery. Interested in knowing Si Hitam more? Ask our staffs at Manis Manis Nature Resort and Spa the next time you visit. Maybe you will even get to take a photo with the Shadow King itself!!

Your blog keeper & resident detective,

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Spotted puppies with spots

¡Hola! Visitors.

On Thursday our CEO showed me some photos of puppies he had taken within the Manis Manis compound.

Aren't they cute? Thus, in a mixture of excitement and absolute terror insignificant amount of worry (I heard mommy dog is always extremely fierce and scary...), I went on a puppy hunt with Mr. George yesterday.

We came by piles of woods/planks where we could hear little noises made by the puppies. However, we could see none of them. Apparently, the mom had moved them and hid them right in the middle of the piles. You can only see their little legs if you squat low enough and peek in between the woods.

Just as I was about to look for alternative ways to get a better look at the puppies, barks were heard and the mom was spotted at the other side of the resort. Oh no!! In absolute panic calm consideration, I forced suggested to Mr. George that we should ran and hide leave the puppies alone in peace.

Thus, I can't get any update about the puppies the puppies are now hidden safely from the prying eyes of humans.

Hmm... now if only I can find a way to delete the unnecessary words instead of striking them out... 

Your blog keeper & resident detective,

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Alien Invasion?!!!

Greetings dear visitors!

Just the other day I was poking my nose doing my usual investigation around Manis Manis Nature Resort and Spa, when suddenly I came across a shocking diary entry that belonged to one of our Manis Manis staffs!!

Here's what was written on the entry along with some photos attached to said entry:

"Pods and pods of blue, red, yellow alien space crafts landed in Manis Manis last Friday. The scariest moment ever. There were little aliens scrambling out of their pods. They wore green/yellow space suits and what appeared to be white helmets on their heads. Some had badges and wearing scarves. Few bearing and ran around with flags that spell - S-C-O-U-T. We were terrified as we don't know what it means. 

That calm afternoon, more and more pods landed. The aliens appear humanoids. I assume trying to assimilate human. Manis Manis Nature Resort & Spa looks like an alien invasion of the 4th kind. They were able to communicate. One even asked where the bathroom was. Strange little creatures, perhaps they can pee too or MAYBE they are here to see how our bathroom works. 

It was obvious they had a leader. Tall, full of facial hair, hats - very human like. Terrifying indeed. All we can do was take pictures as they came out of their - kinda cute pods."

It seems that we had an invasion unusual encounter just a few weeks ago!! Thank goodness the aliens visitors were harmless and Manis Manis is still operating as usual.

Test your luck when you visit us at Manis Manis. Who knows, you might bump into another group of visitors if you are lucky.

Your blog keeper & resident detective,

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Selamat Datang, dear visitor!!

Welcome to the blog of Manis Manis Nature Resort & Spa.
Here is where we share our latest updates, news and stories with you. So be sure to drop by often.

Before our official website is uploaded, this blog will be serving as a temporary official website as well, so watch out for the latest packages and promotions here.

Enjoy our blog, and come visit us at Manis Manis Nature Resort & Spa soon :)

"Have a sweet stay with us..."